Friday 15 April 2011

15 April 2011
10am, South Dyke Trail
(east of Steveston)

The sun is shining... the air is cool and crisp... and the dyke trail east of Steveston was buzzing with activity. Joggers, walkers, hikers, couples, people sleeping in their cars -- today was a day of getting out and enjoying life.

There were lots of herons, like this one at London Landing.

 This heron was taking a break on a cement pipe buried in the river silt.

He didn't seem to mind me sneaking closer... and closer...

But finally, he was tired of me staring...

 The couples were out today, looking for nice nesting spots...

 Or picking up material to pad the nest...

 Standing at the pier at the end of No. 3 Rd., it was clear that falling into the river would be a really bad idea. The fast waters were moving out with the tide, and I wouldn't want to be caught in those icy waters!

London Heritage Farm was open, and there are lots of folks milling around the gardens. Some were even doing work! With the shining snow caps icing the mountains in the background, the scene was ideal.

 And finally, Steveston in the distance, with the red roof of the Gulf of Georgia Cannery in background almost front and center.

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