Monday 25 April 2011

Easter Weekend 2011

April 23 and 24, 2011
around noon

Steveston Harbour... pirates have invaded Steveston!

There is a lovely pirate ship on the dock, complete with mermaid and skeleton crew member. The front of the boat has two rows of seats. Does anyone know what is going on? I so want a ride, but when my sister and I cautiously approached the boat, there wasn't a pirate (or person) to be seen.

Leaving Steveston via the Explorathor boat in the Vancouver Whale Watch fleet.
Gorgeous day to see some whales, eh?

There are lots of fishing boats lined against the docks. 
Purse seiners and gillnetters have been increasing in the Gulf waters due
to the start of fishing season. The number of fishermen selling their catch in the harbour has exploded.
This weekend we saw plenty of the ocean's bounty available from friendly, 
local fisherboats... from tuna to shrimp to cod.

Here's a new sight... the floating gas station is open, or at least, it looks like it got a paint job. Lots of boats were waiting in line to get a drink of the black stuff.

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